Neither concept or mathematical formulae can explain the infinite. No thought can encapsulate the vastness of the totailiy. Reality is a unified whole, but thought cuts it up into fragments. This gives rise to fundamental misperceptions, for example, that there are separate things and events, or that this is the cause of that. Every thought implies a perspective , and every perspective, by its very nature, implies limitation, which ultimately means that it is not true, at least not absolutely. Only the whole is true, but the whole cannot be spoken or thought. Seen from beyond the limitations of thinking and therefore incomprehensible to the human mind, everything is happening now. All that ever has been or will be is now, outside of time, which is a mental construct.
①作者有一本非常有名的书《the power of now》,中文译名是《当下的力量》。同已经发表的书保持一致性,这里把Now 翻译成“当下”。