Your primary purpose is to enable consciousness to flow into what you do. The secondary purpose is whatever you want to achieve through the doing. Whereas the notion of purpose before was always associated with future, there is now a deeper purpose that can only be found in the present, through the denial of time.
Your secondary or outer purpose lies within the dimension of time, while your main purpose is inseparable from the Now and therefore requires the negation of time. How are they reconciled? By realizing that your entire life journey ultimately consists of the step your are taking at this moment. There is always only this one step, and you give it your fullest attention. This doesn't mean you don't know where you are going; it just means this step is primary, the destination secondary. And what you encounter at your destination once you get there depends on the quality of this one step. Another way of putting it: What the future holds for you depends on your state of consciousness now.
次要目标或外部目标的存在依赖于时间。而主要目标则与当下密不可分,且否定时间。这二者如何统一?这需要意识到我们的生命旅程乃是由当下迈出的每一步所构成的。当下只有这一小步,需要你对它全神贯注。 这不是说你不需要了解前进的方向,只是强调迈出当前这一步的重要性,以及终点的相对次要。在生命的终点你将遇到什么取决于当前这一步如何迈出。
有很多人该听过拖延症这个词(如果没听说过,去Google一下或者看一下维基百科上的词条:英文, 中文),是指人做事不拖到最后一刻不动手。在最后一刻到来之前,拖延症患者会做各种无关的事情来消磨时间。无论造成这样的病症的原因是什么,所有的拖延者都有着相同的特点:对自己当下的行为视而不见,不加引导,任凭自己在当下如失去灵魂般的做与自己需要完成的事情相差十万八千里的闲白儿。