- Preview
- Class Goals
- Class Outcomes
- Class Strategies
- Introduction to Computational Psychometrics
- Raven’s Progressive Matrices
- Exercise: What is intelligence?
- Principles of CS7637
- Readings
Class Goals
Class Outcomes
Class Strategies
Introduction to Computational Psychometrics
Raven’s Progressive Matrices
In this course, students will design AI agents to solve Raven’s Progressive Matrices.
Examples are below:
- 2 possible answers for this one.
- 2 possible answers
3x3 Raven’s Progressive Matrix I
- answer is 5.
Exercise: What is intelligence?
If AI passed intelligence tests, does that mean AI is intelligent? Not for sure. it just means AI can process the tests and give correct answers. That’s it.
Principles of CS7637
- KBAI agents represent and organize knowledge into knowledge structures to guide and support reasoning.
- Learning in KBAI is often incremental
- Reasoning in KBAI agents are top-down as well as bottom-up
- KBAI Agents match methods to tasks
- KBAI agents use heuristics to find solutions that are good enough, but not necessarily optimal
- KBAI agents make use of the recurring patterns in the problem they solve
- the structure of KBAI agents enables learning, reasoning, and memory to support and constrain each other.
Understanding the Natural and Artificial Worlds http://courses.washington.edu/thesisd/documents/Kun_Herbert%20Simon_Sciences_of_the_Artificial.pdf