今天又发现了一本讲写作的书,浏览了一下,应该是写给美国大学生的写作教材. 这本书内容非常详细,有许多例子,也非常的通俗易懂.相信读过这本书后,你的阅读能力和写作能力都会有很大的提高.有时间的时候大家可以翻一翻,该会有收获的. 不过内容详细的书有一个不好的地方,就是太厚[老外的教材几本上都是砖头一样的厚,且比砖头还重,好在我们有电子版,呵呵]. 这本书共有680页,我提供的电子版没有前言目录等杂项,因此共628页.不过不用担心,这本pdf是带书签的,因此翻阅查看起来也非常的方便. 作者: Jean Wyrick isbn: 1413001092 定价: USD 71.95 出版社: Heinle 装帧: Paperback 出版年: 2004-06-22 简介 · · · · · · The informal, student-friendly tone of this rhetorically-organized rhetoric/reader/handbooks provides step-by-step instructions on writing a variety of short, 500-800-word essays. This is a text that both students and instructors can use easily. 文件大小:5.3MB 文件类型:pdf 阅读软件:acrobat reader 下载地址: 地址一:from box.net 下载地址二:from 115.com 地址三:from Acrobat 地址四:from rapidshare
这次给大家推荐一本关于写作的书。对于研究生或者想要考研的各位来说,写作将是非常重要的。这一点在我申请到国外读研究生之使就感觉到了。因为你的申请的大部分材料都是书面资料,你必须写你的简历,写你自己的PS,很多时候还要附上你发表过的文章或者一篇你自己写的研究计划。上了研究生之后,很多的课程要求你提交学期论文,或者文献概述,或者就一两篇文章写读书笔记。为什么写作这么重要以至于你的整个研究生过程要介绍那么多的写作训练呢?其实很简单,作为一个研究生,或者以后成为一个学者,你必须花大量的时间写作:申请基金需要写proposal,甚至要提交文章摘要,申请到基金之后要提交研究申请,实验完成之后要和人分享你的科研成果,你还得把它写成论文去投稿/发表。更别提你的毕业论文了。 当然了,如果你去工作而不是继续做研究,写作对于你可能是另外一码事。如果你想做作家,可能你需要的是另外一种写作风格。这样的人可以不看本文。 啰啰嗦嗦这么一堆,其实意思就是一个,推荐一本专门给大学里的我们讲如何进行学术写作的。希望对你有帮助。 作者: Stephen Bailey isbn: 0748768386 定价: USD 26.95 出版社: Routledge 装帧: Paperback 出版年: 2004-07-27 文件类型:pdf 文件大小:5.1MB 简介:This work takes a refreshing approach to the academic writing course, providing easily understandable language set within a clear structure. This format allows students to improve their writing without slowing their progress with complex vocabulary. Material is divided into short, easily manageable sections allowing teachers and students the flexibility they need to emphasise certain aspects or when time is short. Explanations are followed by examples to reinforce progress. 阅读软件:acrobat reader 下载地址: 地址一:from box.net 下载地址二:from 115.com 地址三:from Acrobat
坦白的说,我对于临床心理学所知不多。本科的时候我并没有时间和机会去修一些临床心理学的课程,而研究生时我赶上了北大的两年制试点,毕业的压力更加让我不能去修那些基础课程。而北大临床心理学方向的几位先生要求都非常严格,如果没有先修基础课的话,就不能去修研究生级别的临床心理学,旁听都不可以。于是便错过了。 好在我们还可以自学,毕竟看书是不必要别人同意的。这里是一本关于心理治疗的书籍,点击下面的阅读全文按钮你就可以看到简介。如果对你有帮助,就尽管下载吧。 作者: Lisa B. Moschini 副标题: Art Therapy with the Difficult Client isbn: 0471687731 定价: USD 49.95 出版社: Wiley 装帧: Paperback 出版年: 2004-12-24 文件大小:18.0MB 文件格式:PDF 简介 · · · · · · This resourceful guide presents art therapy techniques for difficult clients where the typical therapist-client interaction can often be distant, demanding, and frustrating. Offering practical and theoretical information from a wide variety of treatment populations and diagnostic categories; and incorporating individual, group, and family therapy case studies, the text is filled with examples and over 150 illustrations taken from the author’s sixteen years of experience working with hundreds of clients. The author is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a Master’s degree in Clinical Art Therapy. The text comes with an accompanying CD-ROM which includes full-color pictures and additional material not found in the book. Drawing the Line: Art Therapy with the Difficult Client is intended for all who have felt frustration when faced with a resistant or difficult client. In my experience as a practicing therapist, supervisor, and lecturer I have had the opportunity to listen to a myriad of clinicians discuss this very topic. What defines the difficult client? Is there a set of criteria that can be applied to the whole of the population? One common definition that fits each individual?
In fourteen years of clinical practice that singular definition has remained elusive. Instead, what I have found is a common reaction or affectladen response centered on the therapist’s exasperation. A feeling of helplessness sometimes embedded in anger, at other times couched in pleas for assistance. A threat to the clinician’s own confidence. At this point, we have become not only the transference object but also an object of countertransference: A response to the patient-therapist interaction based on emotional feelings.
So now the question takes on further complexity. How can we as clinicians provide opportunities of growth for both our clients and ourselves? One answer is art psychotherapy.
As a psychodynamic therapist I believe development is epigenetic and take note of the unconscious processes that drive the individual as he or she maneuvers through his or her environment. As an art psychotherapist, I have learned to interpret these unconscious and repetitious symbols. Thus, the visual experience takes the place of language as a nonverbal means of communication. A picture always speaks the truth. Regardless of age or ability, art never lies. It may reveal only one side, one moment within the here and now, one facet, but that facet is the truth.
To that end I invite each reader to participate in a brief and very personal expression, for without looking within ourselves how are we to help others? Without understanding there can be no growth.
About the Author Lisa B. Moschini has a BFA in art and design from California Institute of the Arts and an MA in clinical art therapy from Loyola Marymount University. She has been a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist since 1992 and is the owner of Drawing-the-Line Seminars & Consulting (www.drawing-the-line.net), which specializes in the blending of the arts and psychotherapy. She presently resides in Santa Barbara, California.