Here, I want to share a c-shell script I wrote last Friday (20110/11/14) . The script creates a mask which mask out all the brain regions except amygdala (amyg.), auditory cortex and Brodmann area 10. The three brain areas are the regions of interest (ROIs) of my study. The ROIs are based on the probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map called CA_N27_MPM (See Eickhoff et. al., 2006 [PDF]). This map comes with a widely used software package for Analysis of Functional NeuroImage, AFNI. And the commands used in the script are also from AFNI. The script was written to call tcsh. So, AFNI and tcshell are required. It can also work under other Linux and Unix shells if you do not have tcsh installed. Just change the first line of the script to call the shell you like. You can download the script here or copy the code below to any text editor and save as a ".sh" file. Use chmod to make it executable before you run it.
# I learned how to do this from
# Also see:
# Qingyang Li
# 2011 01 14
# This script create 3 ROIs, Amygdala, Auditory cortex and Brodmann Area 10 (fro
ntal cortex). The there ROIs were labled as 1, 2, 3 in the resulted mask
# For BPD study, amyg. is the area of interest, Auditory is the control, BA10 mi
ght be related.
# The selection of atlas was following the sugestion by Poldrack, 2007(DOI:10.10
echo ""
echo "22003_bpd2_stats_warped+tlrc must be availabe in the current directory with
the script, or it won't finish"
echoecho "#### Step 1: create anatomical based ROI###"
whereami -mask_atlas_region CA_N27_MPM:120 -prefix 1 #amyg. CM
whereami -mask_atlas_region CA_N27_MPM:150 -prefix 2 #amyg. SF
whereami -mask_atlas_region CA_N27_MPM:215 -prefix 3 #amyg. LB
whereami -mask_atlas_region CA_N27_MPM:130 -prefix 4 #TE 1.0 Auditory
whereami -mask_atlas_region CA_N27_MPM:195 -prefix 5 #TE 1.1 Auditory
whereami -mask_atlas_region CA_N27_MPM:230 -prefix 6 #TE 1.2 Auditory
whereami -mask_atlas_region TT_Daemon:90 -prefix 7 #BA 10echo "### Step 2: combine ROIs into on file"
3dcalc -a 1+tlrc -b 2+tlrc -c 3+tlrc -d 4+tlrc -e 5+tlrc -f 6+tlrc -g 7+tlrc -expr 'step(a+b+c)+2*step(d+e+f)+3*step(g)' -prefix roi_mask_HRecho "### Step 3: resample the high resolution ROI mask"
3dfractionize -template 22003_bpd2_stats_warped+tlrc -input roi_mask_HR+tlrc -clip 0.5 -preserve -prefix roi_mask_LR # here we need a functional dataset as template (22003_bpd2_stats_warped+tlrc)
Some endnotes:
1 The BA10 is from TT_Daemon, that’s because I can not find BA 10 or prefrontal cortex in the CA_N27_MPM atlas.
2 Region of interest (ROI) analysis of functional MRI data is very common these days. The key step to carry out an ROI analysis is to generate an ROI mask. The mask is then applied to the fMRI data, raw or processed, to out put only the information from the voxels within the ROIs. Data in the voxels outside the ROIs will be masked out of the analysis. This is a great way to reduce the dimensionality of the fMRI data.
Generally speaking, there are two ways to generate ROIs. 1) The ROI is based on the functional activation map. It’s a bottom-up, data-driven approach. 2) The ROI is based on the anatomical structures. This approach need some a prior knowledge of the study. For example, if you are doing an auditory perception experiment and you are interest in brain activity in the auditory cortex, you can then create a mask to mask out unrelated brain regions and leave only auditory cortex’s data (yes, if you’re doing a real scientific experiment, you will also need another region as the control ).
To create an anatomical ROI, you can a) draw ROIs on your subject's high resolution brain image; b) output ROIs based on existing atlas. Method a) needs training: it’s not easy to eyeball brain structure if you are not trained. I myself is lack of this kind of training. The script I created is method b).
3 if you want to know how many voxels there are in each ROI, you can use 3dmaskavd command.
3dmaskave -mask roi_mask_LR+tlrc -mrange 3 3 roi_mask_LR+tlrc
The command above will tells you how many voxels are in the ROI with a value 3 in it. (change -marange 3 3 to -marange 2 2 if you want the info of the ROI with a value 2 in it)
updated on 20110117: changed the last command, add options for 3dfractionize
updated on 20110118: added end note 3
接下来的日子,我和妹妹就会时不时的跑到窗台望一眼,蒜果然在变绿,更绿,完全绿…… 嗯,等等,我并没有注意到蒜们是什么时候完全绿的。接近过年时太多好玩的东西,我的注意力都被吸引走了。我猜蒜们是在我跟小伙伴们一起放鞭炮的时候变绿的吧,一定是……
再次见到蒜们,是大年夜。年纪小,守岁守的哈欠连天,连饺子出锅时震天的鞭炮也没能提起我的兴趣。饺子上桌,腊八醋也在小碟子中被端上来了。碟子中还有绿色的蒜。啊,腊八蒜!我几乎就要伸手去抓了,却被长辈的眼神制止。是哈,年夜饭的饭桌上,还是不要造次了。 夹了一颗,尝了一口,辣,还蒜,口水一下就流出来了。再看看剩下的那一半蒜,真的,连里面也是绿的,而且,是碧绿。真是,又好吃又好看。
我从青青手中接过腊八醋,放到窗台上时,忽然想起了妈妈说给我的那句童谣:小孩小孩你别馋,过了腊八就过年… …
所谓认真的跑步就是每次跑步要跑30分钟以上,距离在4miles以上。我的计划是每周一,三,五去健身房,去进行肌肉训练。周一主练胸肌和肱二头肌,周三练习下肢和肩膀,周五练习背部和肱三头肌。如此反复12周左右。但是因为这一周学校健身房没有开,我都以跑步锻炼代替了。我原本的计划还包括周二,四,六的跑步,一次一三五的跑步就是很慢的跑步。这样一来,这周我从2号到8号一共跑步6次,一共跑了36.5 miles,感觉非常好。
本来我的计划是每天发一份简历的。结果,事情并没有这么简单,我上个周末的时候写好了简历和新,然后发给了Jessi和Cindy让她们帮忙给我修改。她们周日发给我,我修改了之后有给她们看了一次。然后Freya帮我看了一次,她还请Marianne 帮我看了两段。几来几往,知道周二下午我才改好。我并没有但是就发出,而是心满意足的去睡觉了。
在这里,我要感谢以上提到的所有帮我修改简历的朋友。还要感谢给我提供了面试建议的朋友:胡睿,Ben Austin,祖祖,我的导师Jennifer McDowell。 特别感谢Rachel Han帮我进行虚拟面试,这对我的帮助是大大的。当然,特别感谢Freya,所有的这一切,都离不开她的全力支持和指导。没有她的建议,我可能会草草的发出一份烂简历了。
我还同系里分管研究生事物的秘书Elizabeth碰了头,完成了一些Paper work。同时她在为我准备我的Program of Study,这些好了之后,我需要找我的committee members 一一签字,转换学习目标的手续就完了。这些事情学要在21日之前完成。
今天是2011年元旦,周六,现在是早上8点30分。窗外天气,阴,有风,目测在2,3级左右。我的状态,轻度耳鸣,清醒。起床已经15分钟左右刚刚喝了一杯清水。耳鸣是因为我和青青还有胡睿,喵喵去Downtown的一个bar,在轰鸣的摇滚乐中迎来了2011年第一天。I love it!
2010对我来说是重要的一年,当我开始回忆的时候,我首先想到的是三月份。是的,今年的三月份,我重新开始了跑步。在四月份,我报名参加了一个五千米比赛。我至今还记得报名时自己的兴奋感觉。这么多年了,终于感觉的自己的心脏强烈跳动。之后,我报名参加了在Athens的半程马拉松,并且开始为之开始训练。训练的过程中我又参加了另外一个五千米比赛。这些跑步训练与比赛,无疑的强壮了自己的体魄,同时也增加了自信。是的,只要我下定决心,我是能完成一件事情的。这首先要感谢我的女朋友,是她一直鼓励我进行锻炼,也是在她不断的督促下,我终于下定决心把跑步坚持下来。还要感谢胡睿和喵喵,和她们一起跑过好多次。另外我要感谢几位豆瓣上两位朋友:雅讶和Openureyes,他们两个一起在豆瓣上和我把锻炼记录贴从三月份更新到10月份,盖到了4页之多。现在跑步已经成了我的习惯,2011我还会继续跑下去。也许再次参加Athens 的半程马拉松。因为我的第一个半程马拉松比赛是这个赛事的第一届,如果从现在开始每一届都参加,将会是一件非常有趣的事情。
今年的三月份,我开始了Antioxidant therapy (AOT),也就是抗氧化剂疗法。这个疗法是针对我频发的胰腺炎的。AOT是基于这样一个观察:胰腺炎患者在发病前和发病中胰腺中出现大量的自由基。英国的一个研究组据此推断胰腺炎的发生可能是由于大量自由基对胰腺造成伤害,从而导致胰腺发言的。如果这个假设成立,那么摄入大量的抗氧化剂,阻止自由基在胰腺大量堆积,是可能预防胰腺炎的。这个研究组应用AOT在一些慢性胰腺炎患者和一些家族性高脂血症伴随频发胰腺炎的患者身上,显著降低了胰腺炎的发病频率。于是青青和主持这一系列研究的医生取得了联系,听取了他建议与意见,开始试用者一疗法。
学习方面,我在2010年完成了我的Comps paper。Comps paper是博士资格考试的一部分。本来我打算在年末把博士资格考试完成的,然而最终,我做出决定,不在读博士了。这是一个很大的决定,很多实验室的同学也觉得我的进度都到这一步,就差写个毕业论文就完事儿了,不念很可惜。是的,这一点我承认,做出这个决定实际是很艰难的,不是一时冲动。不过,读博士我读的并不开心。一部分原因是因为我总是生病,研究生生活中无处不在的压力是我经常病倒的诱因。另一部分原因是我发现自己并不喜欢做科学研究,相反,我更喜欢钻研各种小技术,并且以利用这些小技术帮助别人为乐。在实验室中,如果有人要我帮忙,我通常把别人的事情优先完成。我觉得自己是个帮手,而不乐于做领袖。而读PhD,做研究这条职业道路,似乎总会与压力相伴,也对需要乐于做boss。于是,我打算放弃PhD,拿一个Master学位然后去找工作。所幸的是,我的决定得到了所有人的支持,包括我的女友,朋友,导师,系主任和研院。如果不出所愿,我将在5月份毕业。我现在正在找工作,我想做的工作是各种心理学软硬件系统的技术支持类型的工作,同时我也申请做一些实验室的研究助理的工作。如果你有工作机会,别忘了向我的推荐哦,我的email是 congel【at】。谢谢啦!
给Dr. Hammond 的Biological foundation of Health psychology做助教.
翻译 《Oneness》
1 继续跑步,开始力量训练,目标是增肌
2 完成毕业论文
3 找到工作
4 结婚
5 继续晨间日记,时间开销和饮食记录
6 认真总结
7 阅读更多的书
Seeing beauty in a flower can awaken you, however briefly, to the beauty that is an essential part of your own innermost being, your true nature. Joy and love are intrinsically connected to that recognition. Flowers can become for us an expression in form of that which is most high, most sacred, and ultimately formless within ourselves,. Flowers, more fleeting, more ethereal, and more delicate than the plants out of which they emerge, are like messengers from another realm, like a bridge between the world of physical forms and the formless. They not only have a scent that is delicate and pleasing, but also bring a fragrance from the realm of spirit.
When you are alert and contemplate a flower with out naming it mentally, it becomes a window for you in to the formless. There is an inner opening , however slight, into the spiritual dimension.
How do you let go of attachment to things? Don't even try. It's impossible. Attachment to things drops away by itself when you no longer seek to find yourself in them. In the meantime, just be aware of your attachment to things.Sometimes you may not know that you are attached to something, which is to say, identified, until you lose it or there is the threat of loss. If you then become upset, anxious, and so on, it means you are attached. If you are aware that you are identified with a thing, the identification is no longer total. "I am the awareness that is aware that there is attachment." That's the beginning of the transformation of consciousness.
When you contemplate the unfathomable depth of space or listen to the silence in the early hours just before sunrise, something within you resonates with it as if in recognition. You then sense the vast depth of space as your own depth, and you know that precious stillness that has no form to be more deeply who you are than any of the things that make up the content of your life.
The twofold reality of the universe, which consists of things and space -- thingness and no-thingness-- is also your own. A sane, balanced, and fruitful human life is a dance between the two dimensions that make up reality: form and space. Most people are so identified with the dimension of form, with sense perceptions, thoughts, and emotions, that the vital hidden half is missing from their lives. Their identification with form keeps them trapped in ego.
Just as space enables all things to exist and just as without silence there could be no sound, you would not exist without the vital formless dimension that is the essence of who you are. We could say "God" if the word had not been so misused. I prefer to call it Being. Being is prior to existence. Existence is form, content, "what happens." Existence is the foreground of life; Being is the background, as it were.
The collective disease of humanity is that people are so engrossed in what happens, so hypnotized by the world of fluctuating forms, so absorbed in the content of their lives, they have forgotten the essence, that which is beyond content, beyond form, beyond thought. They are so consumed by time that they have forgotten eternity, which is their origin, their home, their destiny. Eternity is the living reality of who you are.
人类有一个通病:人们总是全神贯注于正在发生的事情,被这个变动不居的有形世界所催眠,被他们生活的内容而吸引而忘记了生活的本质。超越内容,超越形态,超越思维的本质。 人们被时间所消耗而忘记了永恒。忘记了永恒乃是人们的起源,家园和宿命。永恒是“我是谁”的鲜活现实。
①对于Being 与Existence的辨析,请参考这里 。简单来说,这两个词的中文翻译,都是存在。这其实是对后者的错误翻译。Being翻译成存在,意指一切的本源。这一切包含了时间,空间,事物在内的所有范畴。existence则只适用于事物之一范畴,是指事物作为实体而存在。这里我采用何光沪的说法,使用“实存”作为existence的中译。