This week's tasks watch Reward Shaping. read Ng, Harada, Russell (1999) ...
Advanced Algorithmic Analysis Value iteration 1 tells us that VI converg...
Lesson 5B: Interoperability Standards In the last lesson, we learned abo...
Lesson 5A: Data Standards Data standards can be different from each othe...
本周三件事:看课程视频 Convergence. 读 Littman and Szepesvari (1996), 作业四。 no action...
1. Intro The learning to predict problem: using past experience with an...
这周的总结,简直没法写。我没能按照计划完成阅读。 先说原本的计划是,完成正在上的一门课的教材,计划10天读完。在读到第四天的时候,也就是这一周的...
Lesson 4: Private, Security and Trust People's Protected Health informat...
Lesson 3: Health Information Exchange Reasons for establishing HIE Coord...